Insurance for non-MOD funded property.
Overall service rating 4.6 / 5
Based on 4635 customer reviews
Cover your property in transit or storage, anywhere in the world
As specialists in a diverse range of insurances, our commercial military package can offer cover from other areas of the Towergate Group, such as marine, motor and charity trustee.
Knowledgeable and professional service from our dedicated team.
At any point in your policy you can add cover for a one-off event, or if you are hosting regular events you can purchase this as a separate policy.
We are able to offer short period covers for property (e.g. silver or diving tanks), money and cancellation insurance.
At any point in your policy you can add cover for a one-off event, or if you are hosting regular events you can purchase this as a separate policy.
Specifically designed with HM forces in mind - we appreciate the nature of work the military are tasked with and your requirement to change location, potentially to anywhere in the world.
As specialists in a diverse range of insurances, our commercial military package can offer cover from other areas of the Towergate Group, such as marine, motor and charity trustee.
When you need to make a claim, we'll guide you through the process and get your claim settled as quickly as possible.
Your client reference will appear as four letters followed by two digits, e.g. ABCD01.
Your various policy references will begin with two letters, such as MI followed by two digits e.g. MI01.
Often shortened to ‘PL’ this covers your legal responsibility to provide compensation to members of the public, who are injured or have their property damaged by negligence on your part.
Your public liability insurance covers your general activities, conducted by you in your usual, non-duty or non-publicly funded capacity. Please be aware that this does not include events of a one-off nature, so please contact us to discuss your event. Be sure to check your policy wording for full exclusions.
Unless specifically endorsed within the public liability section of your policy wording, please contact us to confirm whether cover is in place.
Cover for events is considered on a case-by-case basis, and depending on the circumstances may have an additional premium.
Yes, usually this is with regards to public liability insurance to indemnify the organisers of events of a one-off nature and activities not considered to be within your usual business conduct. We are also able to offer short period covers for property (e.g. silver or diving tanks), money and cancellation insurance.
As an employer you are responsible for the health and safety of your employees whilst they are at work. Should your employees be injured at work or become ill as a result they may be able to claim compensation. The Employers' Liability Act 1969 made employer's liability insurance compulsory in the UK for most businesses with employees. Employer's liability insurance enables your business to meet the cost of compensation awarded to injured employees as well as associated legal costs.
Employers' liability cover is not limited to those on a wage roll, and extends to the duty of care you may have to an person who is:
1. under a contract of service or apprenticeship with You
2. borrowed or hired by You
3. a labour master or supplied by a labour master
4. employed by labour-only sub-contractors
5. self-employed
6. under work experience or training scheme
7. regarded as being in your employment in the terms of any contract or agreement
8. a voluntary helper while working under your control in connection with the Business
9. an out worker or homeworker while engaged on Your behalf
10. any other person delegated to handle funds and/or stock
To help you spread the cost of your premiums, we offer a quick and easy direct debit scheme for spreading payment over ten months. Please visit our dedicated Direct Debit page to find out more.
We have provided a summary of the key features of the policy, above. For details of the terms and conditions applicable, please refer to the insurance product information document and policy wording, which are available during the quotation process.
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