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Does Home Cover Include Model Railway Insurance?

It is important that your locomotives, rolling stock, aircraft, boats and other model collections, as well as your home workshop, are adequately insured. Otherwise, if you suffer a fire, flood or theft you may find yourself significantly out of pocket.

Model engineers often rely upon their household insurance policy to respond in the event of a loss, but this may not be sufficient. Specialised model insurance is therefore recommended for individual modellers and model engineers.

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Standard home contents cover

As you may be aware, your standard home contents insurance policy can cover your household possessions against a number of perils including loss, damage, fire and theft.

Home contents policies are generally designed to cover items in a typical household, e.g. floor coverings; curtains; furniture; household appliances and electronics; household utensils and crockery; garden and DIY tools and equipment; clothing; and sports and leisure equipment that may include pedal cycles and musical instruments.

As you will note, there is no mention of specialised items such as 5in gauge model locomotives, pillar drills, lathes, milling machines, sit-astride riding cars, etc. There is a possibility that such items that you cherish and use in your hobby are not covered by your home insurance, so if you are in any doubt you should check with your provider.

In addition to this aspect, home content policies may also have a restriction of as little as £1000 on the sum insured contained within domestic outbuildings e.g. a shed or garage. It is worth bearing in mind that this is also where you are likely to store your lawnmower, hedge trimmers and other garden, outdoor and DIY equipment, which can result in £1000 not going very far in the event a shed or garage is broken into and these items are stolen.

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Insurance for model railways, boats and aircraft

This is where we can help. Our insurance for individual modellers and model engineers, suitable for model railways, boats, aircraft and more, is a specialist policy where you can select only those sections of cover you require.

Our model railway insurance can include locos, rolling stock, other models, ancillary equipment, road trailers, personal accident, products liability, as well as portable track liability. Additionally, you can choose to insure your workshop buildings, workshop machinery, tools and equipment as well as models and materials.

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What does model railway insurance cover?

Our policy provides cover for model railways, boats, aircraft for loss or damage against perils such as fire, theft, storm, flood and accidental damage. Insuring them on a separate specialist policy takes away the uncertainty of knowing whether your home insurance policy is going to pay for the replacement or repair of your model engineering models and equipment.

It potentially saves any difficult claims conversations as well as ensuring that your household policy premium isn’t impacted by claims relating to your model engineering hobby.

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Model railway insurance from Walker Midgley

To get a quote for your model and model engineering needs, visit our model railway insurance webpage or call us on 0114 250 2770.