Model Railway Insurance from Walker Midgley is for model or miniature railway enthusiasts who own, and may choose to exhibit their miniature railways, locomotives, rolling stock and ancillary items. Cover is also available for model aircraft, model boats and more.
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Cover for both private collections and model exhibitions.
Public and products liability cover available for individuals as well as club/societies and commercial miniature railways (up to 2ft gauge).
Loss or damage to models if damaged, stolen or taken without your permission anywhere in the UK or Europe. Please see your quote details or policy documents for full terms and conditions of your cover.
Choose to spread your payment into 10 monthly Direct Debit instalments.
Our model railway insurance is designed to provide you with extensive cover for loss or damage to your models such as model railways, locomotives, rolling stock, layouts and your ancillary equipment such as controllers and road trailers.
Our model railway insurance enables you to choose the most appropriate level of cover for your specific requirements.
We can tailor your cover to include your home workshop. This covers you for loss or damage to the buildings of your home workshop as well as your workshop tools, equipment, work in progress and raw materials by specified causes such as accidental damage, fire and theft. Please see policy wording for full details on the terms and conditions.
If you exhibit your collection or allow members of the public to view your collection, then having public liability cover is a must. Model railway public liability insurance will cover you for accidental injury or illness caused to third parties for which you are negligent or at fault responsible for up to the agreed limit of indemnity.
As a modeller, you may need a trailer to transport your collection to exhibitions, events, club meetings etc. Model Railway Insurance offers road trailer cover for anywhere in the UK and Europe.
Cover applies to trailers both when they are attached and detached. When the trailer is not in use and is unattached from the towing vehicle, it is mandatory that the trailer is fitted with either a wheel clamp or a hitchlock. If it is not and the trailer is stolen the £100 excess will be increased to £500. Exclusions apply such as loss or damage to contents within the trailer.
Cover includes the hire of an alternative trailer following theft or damage to the trailer insured, subject to a maximum amount of £20 per day (maximum 10 days). The need for an alternative trailer must be a modelling & model engineering related activity.
When you need to make a claim, we'll guide you through the process and get your claim settled as quickly as possible.
Generally home content insurance policies do not cover model railway collections as they are often kept in garages, sheds or outbuildings. Even those that do tend to place restrictions on the cover available. Having specific model railway insurance in place means that should disaster strike you can have peace of mind that your beloved collection is well protected.
We can arrange cover for:
• Model locomotives
• Model rolling stock
• Model railways
• Layouts
• Model boats (including radio controlled)
• Model aircraft (including radio controlled)
While using your model railway it is important that you ensure you are adequately covered. Please be aware that there are a number of exclusions from this policy, including:
• Any damage caused by wear and tear is not covered.
• Any damaged to any equipment caused by a date change or computer virus.
• Gradual operating cause or any process of cleaning, repair, restoration and re-siting other than costs involved following insured damaged.
• Any costs that are not directly associated with any insured incident.
• Any damage to your own property that you have deliberately caused or allowed to happen.
• Any damaged that occurred before the commencement of cover.
We have provided a summary of the key features of the policy, above. For full details of the terms and conditions applicable, please refer to your insurance product information document and policy wording, which are available during the quotation process.
Cover is not provided for:
• Any physical property you own that is not recorded on your policy schedule.
• Legal liability whilst you are not performing Model and Model Engineering activities.
• Legal liability arising from you performing any employment, trade, profession or business activities.
• Excesses – this is part of the claim you have to pay.
Yes we can cover model boats and model boat collections for both private residences and exhibitions.
Yes we can cover model aircraft and model aircraft collections for both private residences and exhibitions.
If you would prefer to spread the cost of your RIB insurance policy, you have the option of setting up a Direct Debit to pay your premium bimonthly instalments through our preferred provider, Premium Credit Limited (PCL).
To find out more about PCL and direct debit payments, select Direct Debit.
To understand more about how PCL work together with Towergate, please read our Regulatory Information.
It is important that your locomotives, rolling stock, aircraft, boats and other model collections, as well as your home workshop, are adequately insured
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